The 89-page Republican Senate Budget Committee legislative 2018 budget resolution text includes reconciliation instructions that allow the Senate Finance Committee to add up to $1.5 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years.
Drain the Swamp. Bring the budget ‘under control’. Make America Great. What happened to these “promises”?
The middle class will pay either to reduce the debt (and the interest) or the middle class will pay by seeing cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Public Health, Education, Infrastructure, Research and Development, … in other words, cuts to the nation’s common good.
Sacrificing our common good and our future, so corporations and the most wealthy can have more money now.
“Drain the Swamp. Bring the budget ‘under control’. Make America Great. What happened to these “promises”?
I believe the technical term normally used in answering that question is “Lying-through-your-teeth-for-the-sake-of-political-expediency”.