The Trump/Republicans’ long-plan – the one that’s worked so well for almost 40 years – can be expected to continue.
Trump/Republicans will use deficit-creating tax cuts to enrich corporations and the most wealthy.
then, Trump/Republicans will decry the deficits and work to beggar the middle class with cuts to education, Social Security, Medicare, infrastructure spending, environmental enforcement, etc.
Examine the Trump/Republican tax proposal: The strategy is clear.
The fog factor is this: “OH! The cuts will so stimulate the economy that there will be no deficits! It’s ‘self-funding’.”
These are the same people who tell us there’s no free lunch. If the Trump/Republican plan goes through, there’ll be a free lunch for them.
” . . . Republicans decry the deficits and work to beggar the middle class with cuts to education, Social Security,
Perhaps the operative verb above, “beggar”, is misspelled? Could the author have intended “bugger”, in the traditional British usage? Which of course is what Republicans have been doing to the middle and working classes for quite some time.